Not sure if this is the right spot its the first time I have used it.. I am asking for prayers for my family, My cousin got in a bad car accident yesterday and broke five back bones, punctured ling, ruptured spleen, and a few broke ribs, he has a concussion and was bleeding in the left side of his chest.. I am very scared for him and really am asking everyone to prayer... Thank you very much.... As of now he is in alot of pain and still bleeding, might do surgery if it doesn't stop.. I believe in prayers and know that god is the best doctor in the world.. thanks again...
Here is a Great Place I use for Prayer Requests: Click Here! Here is How to Receive Healing click here. Keep this place in your heart & we will pray for eachother in His Plan of Salvation, Health & Well.Being! Be.Blessed & Peace.On! Remember it's about walking in the "Blessing!" - The Father!